JED Campus


Creighton has joined JED Campus, a nationwide initiative of The Jed Foundation (JED) designed to guide schools through a collaborative process of comprehensive systems, program and policy development with customized support to build upon existing student mental health, substance abuse and suicide prevention efforts. 

We’ve established an interdisciplinary team (which includes members from Student Life Senior Leadership teamStudent Health ServicesStudent Counseling Services, the Office of Community Standards and Wellbeing and Recreation and Wellness) to assess, support and implement improvements with assistance from the JED Campus team. 

After taking an in-depth, confidential assessment evaluating our current mental health promotion, substance abuse and suicide prevention efforts, JED’s clinical team will provide a comprehensive feedback report identifying successes and opportunities for enhancement. 

A JED expert will visit our campus for an onsite meeting to develop a strategic plan that will serve as a roadmap to implement enhancements over the course of the program. 

Contact Us

Division of Student Life

Creighton Hall Suite 224
P: 402.280.2775
F: 402.280.4706