Office of Community Standards and Student Conduct

We promote a community where students are encouraged to act with professional, academic and personal integrity, and to be accountable regarding issues of integrity. We provide students with the resources and education needed to respect the dignity of all persons, the policies of the Creighton community and the rights of its members both on and off campus, in addition to the just laws of the civic community and the rights of its members. This education is presented within the framework of our Jesuit identity.

The Office of Community Standards and Student Conduct is also concerned about the moral and ethical development of our students. We expect our students to play an active and respectful role in community life at Creighton and to adhere to the Community Standards of Creighton University. We encourage students and student organizations to make responsible decisions in their lives inside and outside the classroom. We are also responsible for coordinating the student behavioral misconduct processes.

Meet our Office of Community Standards and Student Conduct Staff

Contact Us

Office of Community Standards and Student Conduct

Creighton Hall 224
P: 402.280.2775
F: 402.280.4706