· Using your University credit card (P-Card) can make purchasing small dollar purchases more cost effective for the University.

· Using a P-Card is accepted by most vendors and will immediately commit the University to paying for the expense. It is imperative that all card users verify the availability of budgeted funds before using the card.

· Each time the P-Card is used, the detail receipt should be forwarded to the BSC Specialist assigned to review transactions on the cardholder's account. A detail receipt will describe the item(s) purchased with the card.


· Every week, the BSC Specialist should:

1. Review the card transactions online in the P-Card software (CCOR) and compare the transactions to the receipts received from the users.

2. Notify the card Approver that they have transactions to approve.


· At the end of the billing cycle, the BSC Specialist should:

1. Confirm all transactions in the billing cycle have been reviewed and approved by the deadline.


To obtain a University P-Card or for more information about using the P-Card, see the Purchasing website.