Space Requests
Space Request Procedures for Creighton University
Space Management Guidelines
Provost approval (subsequent to review and recommendation by Facilities Management) is required whenever classrooms, laboratories, residence hall rooms, meeting rooms and library space are intended to be converted to some other use. Classrooms are managed by the Registrars Office and fall outside the scope of individual colleges, schools or departments.
Requests for additional space, changes in the use of existing space, the reassignment of space, or any renovations or reconfigurations of existing space must be requested to Facilities Management per the Space Request Procedures.
Space Request Procedures
The requesting college, school or department should fully document the need to add to or modify its current space allocation using the Space Request Form (SRF).
The requesting college, school or department will submit the completed SRF to their respective senior/associate dean or associate vice provost, or associate/assistant vice president (AVP) for preliminary review and approval*.
Preliminary approval is required before university resources will be expended to further evaluate the space request. Preliminary approval does not assure that the space change request will be approved and implemented.
The senior/associate dean or AVP will review the request to determine if the space request is in alignment with the strategic direction of the college/school/ department and if existing resources (if necessary) are available to support the space request.
If preliminary approval is given, then the senior/associate dean or AVP will forward the SRF to their respective dean or vice provost/vice president for review.
The dean or vice provost /vice president will review the SRF to determine if the request aligns with the college/school/ division's strategic priorities and if further consideration of the request is warranted.
The dean or vice provost /vice president will forward approved space requests to Facilities Management for further review and validation.
Facilities Management will perform the following upon receipt of an approved SRF:
Contact the requesting department/unit for additional information, as needed.
Evaluate and prioritize the request according to the Creighton University Space Management Policy.
Perform space assessment and estimate project costs.
Some requests deemed minor or low to no cost requests may be evaluated by Facilities Management directly. For all others, Facilities Management will submit each request to the Creighton University Space Committee along with a recommendation on the assignment or configuration of space.
The Space Committee will evaluate the request and either approve, approve but delay the project until the next fiscal calendar year, deny or return to Facilities Management for additional information and follow-up.
Facilities Management will communicate Space Committee decisions to the initial requestor.
Example 1: Re-assignment of Existing Space
The department creates a new program that results in the addition of a new faculty or staff person. The department has a vacant office within its current suite that was created when a previous staff member retired. The department chair/director must make a formal request for the space using the Space Request Form and following the Space Request Procedures.
Example 2: Expansion into Additional Space
The department has engaged several federal work study students as well as a graduate student position. The current office space becomes crowded whenever more than one student is working at a time. The department would like to use a vacant office in the same building as a student work room. The office has been vacant for the past year and the department does not know who the space is assigned to. The department chair/director must make a formal request for the space using the Space Request Form and following the Space Request Procedures.
Example 3: Space Redesign
The department has a large multi-purpose space used for meetings. The department would like to create another office by adding a wall and door to partition off a portion of the space or wishes to purchase new furniture. The department chair/director must make a formal request to reconfigure the multi-purpose space using the Space Request Form and following the Space Request Procedures.