Submit News & Events

Welcome to Creighton Today, the University's source for faculty and staff news.

Please use the Submission Form at the bottom of the page to submit news, events and faculty and staff highlights.

Attachments can not be uploaded at this time.


What to Include

Include as much known news and event information as possible 

  • News and events: time, date, place, program details, event page or registration link, and other relevant event information.
  • Faculty and staff highlights: employee name(s), degrees (if known), position(s) and college/school/department.
  • Add relevant links: journals, organizations, event registrations, Zoom and other URLs 

Other notes

Attachments can not be uploaded, and we are working to update the form. Email photos and captions to Include information about who is in the photo (names and titles, if known), where the photo was taken, what is happening in the photo, and any other information around the event or occasion.

For flyers, please write out the information on the flyer into the description box in the form below.

Headline: This is the title of your news or event (for example: Davidson Speaks at National Medicine Conference, or Environmental Justice Lecture). If the news is for a Phoenix audience, please add "Phoenix" to the headline. Category: This should reflect the type of news you're submitting. Description: Please include as much detail as possible

News Submission Form

Indicates required field

Submissions will be published within five business days. Items without key information, or required links, and events or deadlines submitted more than six weeks in advance will be held for future publications. 



Have a question?

Email Creighton Today editors in Creighton University Communications and Marketing.