It is time for staff to submit their 2024-2025 annual performance goals in myHR. Goal Planning starts the performance year and is the time during which we establish our expectations for the year. This process helps u look ahead.
The 2024-2025 Goal Plan is now active in myHR, and staff are able to enter goals and submit them for manager approval. Effective performance goals flow from and support the mission, vision and goals of the team, department and university. All employees should be familiar with our Strategic Plan and understand how their role supports and contributes to the University’s mission, core values and strategy.
For the 2024-2025 Goal Plan, the Goal Alignment categories have been updated and map to the four pillars in the University’s Strategic Plan. Please note: You do not need to have a goal aligned with each pillar. It is possible that all of your goals might align to one or two of the pillars.
We recommend that all staff members have 3-5 SMART goals in the myHR system by Oct. 31, or after the first 60 days of employment (for new hires).
The following resources are available to assist.
Please contact with any questions.