First-Generation Students

Creighton First: A program for new first-generation students

Welcome to Creighton University and congratulations on the decision to continue your education here! Creighton First, the University’s first-generation student programs initiative, is here to support your transition; to promote the awareness of first-generation students, faculty, and staff; and provide programs that support your transition to college life.

To learn more about the resources that will be available to you throughout your college experience as a commuter student, click here

Creighton First Community Program 

Creighton First Communities are small groups of first-generation students. You'll be connected with your community as soon as you arrive! Each community will consist of a Community Advisor, a current Creighton student who is also first-generation. You’ll find the opportunity to sign up for the program in your emails about orientation programming.

First-Generation Faculty and Staff Spotlight 

Creighton has a number of incredible faculty and staff on campus who are available to support your transition. To learn more about which Creighton faculty or staff are first-generation, check out the dropdown menu below: 


TRiO Student Support Services supports first-generation and income-eligible Creighton students with academic, financial, graduate school, career, and personal coaching to ensure students maintain good academic standing and graduate on-time. Learn more.

First-Gen Forward



The Center for First-Generation Student Success, an initiative of NASPA and The Suder Foundation, recently announced the inclusion of Creighton. Learn more.

headshot   Anthony Calcagno

Resident Director
Undergraduate Field of Study: Psychology and Communications

headshot   Audel Salazar

Instructional Designer​
Undergraduate Field of Study: History and Asian Studies

Becky headshot   Becky Nickerson

Director, Creighton Intercultural Center
Undergraduate Field of Study: Social Work

headshot   Bianca Jinete Mejía

Institutional & Research Decision Specialist​
Undergraduate Field of Study: International Relations, Research Design & Analysis

Binaya Joshi   Binaya Joshi

Application Administrator, Division of Student Life
Undergraduate Field of Study: Computer Science and Mathematics

   Brittany Planos

Assistant Director for Recruitment & Assessment, TRIO Student Support Services
Undergraduate Field of Study: Middle Grades Education

headshot   Carol Lomneth

Professor/Chair, Department of Medical Education​
Undergraduate Field of Study: Biology

Cedora headshot   Cedora Barnett

Assistant Director for Retention and Identity Development​
Undergraduate Field of Study: Native American Studies and History

Desiree Nownes   Desiree Nownes

Senior Director, Office of Community Standards and Wellbeing
Undergraduate Field of Study: Criminal Justice and Sociology

Christine Young   Christine Young, MSN, RN, CNL

Assistant Professor, College of Nursing
Undergraduate Field of Study: Nursing

headshot   Don Lux

Assistant Professor of Practice​
Undergraduate Field of Study: Accounting and MIS

headshot   Janique Hayes

Administrative Coordinator, Office of Institutional Diversity & Inclusion and Division of Mission & Ministry
Undergraduate Field of Study: Community Health Education

Jennifer Peter   Jennifer Peter

Director, Student Counseling Services
Undergraduate Field of Study: Psychology

headshot   Jim Zboja

Associate Professor of Marketing
Undergraduate Field of Study: Marketing/Business Administration, Psychology

joel destino   Joel Destino

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Undergraduate Field of Study: Chemistry and History

headshot   Krystal Rice

Director, TRIO Student Support Services​
Undergraduate Field of Study: Journalism and Mass Communication

headshot   Linda Dunn

Assistant Director for Pre-Health Advising​
Undergraduate Field of Study: English

headshot   Lucas Novotny

Senior Director, Housing & Auxiliary Services
Undergraduate Field of Study: Business Administration

Mary Ann Tietjen   Mary Ann Tietjen

Associate Director for Student Retention
Undergraduate Field of Study: Spanish, Journalism (Graduate: Education)

headshot   Mary Chase

Vice Provost for Enrollment​
Undergraduate Field of Study: Business Administration

headshot   Megan Mankerian-Stem

Director of International Enrollment​
Undergraduate Field of Study: Marketing and International Development, South Asian Studies

Robby   Robby Francis

Director, Campus Ministry
Undergraduate Field of Study: Philosophy

headshot   Sabrina Danielsen

Assistant Professor in Sociology​
Undergraduate Field of Study: Sociology and Anthropology

headshot   Stephanie Matthews

Research Supervisor, Pharmacology Department​
Undergraduate Field of Study: Psychology and Zoology, African Studies

headshot   Tim Bastian

Economics Instructor​
Undergraduate Field of Study: Computer Science and Quantitative Business Analysis

headshot   Tracy Neal Leavelle

Director, Kingfisher Institute for Liberal Arts and Professions​
Undergraduate Field of Study: Anthropology and Native American Studies

headshot   Zachary Smith

Associate Professor of Theology​
Undergraduate Field of Study: Philosophy