Creighton Credo


The Credo of Creighton University

We believe in God, our loving Creator and Father.

We believe in the intrinsic value of the human beings as created in God's image and called to be his child. This includes all persons and excludes any form of racism and other discrimination.

We believe that the deepest purpose of each man and woman is to create, enrich, and share life through love and reverence in the human community. This motivates our open and relentless pursuit of truth. For this reason we foster reverence for life in all its human potential.

We believe that we should support all persons in their free and responsible life-sharing through family and social systems, and through political, scientific, and cultural achievements.

We believe that we must strive for a human community of justice, mutual respect, and concern. In this context we must cultivate respect and care for our planet and its resources.

We believe that laws exist for the benefit and well-being of individual persons, that legal systems must express the common good, and that all government must be subject to the courageous, though respectful and loyal, criticism of intelligent and responsible citizens.

We believe that the law of justice and love must regulate the personal, family, economic, political, and international life of all persons if civilization is to endure.

We believe in the teachings and example of Jesus Christ.