Online training

Lab Safety for New Employees

Lab Safety Training for New Employees and Students has now been moved to Bridge; it is a self-enrolling course.

Lab Safety Training for Specific Areas

There are several lab training modules available, depending on what kind of work you are doing in the lab:

VOLUNTEERS: If you are volunteering to work in a laboratory, please follow the appropriate procedures. More information can be found here.

Please contact EH&S with any questions related to the content of the training. Contact Research Compliance for questions on whether/when you or your students/employees have completed training.

New Hazardous Waste Labels Available

The new hazardous waste labels are available below, along with an instruction sheet for your use.

Shipping Regulated Biological Materials and Dry Ice Course

The training for shipping biological materials and/or dry ice is a part of the CITI training for Biosafety/Biosecurity offered through the Office of Research and Compliance.

This program consists of 9 modules.  All modules are required for all investigators, staff and students who package and ship diagnostic materials, clinical human and animal specimens, human and animal pathogens, as well as other regulated biohazards.  This is initial and biennial (every 2 years) training as required by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

Laser Safety Training

Laser Safety Training (CU506) is required for all personnel working with high powered lasers. A student may also be required to complete the laser safety training when a faculty member requests it. A passing score on the laser safety training is 80%.

Please direct all questions or concerns to the Laser Safety Officer, Dr. David Sidebottom.

The Laser Safety Training consists of watching a video and taking the associated quiz.