Registration Errors & Overrides

Registration Errors & Override Instructions

Registration Errors Explained

List of Errors/Explanations

Graduate Student* Overrides

Please complete this override request form.

*Students in the School of Law or School of Pharmacy and Health Professions should contact the Associate Registrar for their school.

Winter Term Overrides for Undergraduates

  • Freshmen must request permission to take any Winter Term course.
  • All other undergraduates must request permission to take more than four credits during Winter Term.
  • Use the Winter Term Override form for Winter Term only!

Undergraduate Student Overrides

Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors -- follow these instructions.

  1. Find your registration error message in the Error/Override Type column below.
  2. Click on the contact list for that error type.
    • Find the correct contact for the department that hosts the course.
  3. Submit your override request to the correct override contact person.
    • If a form link is provided on the contact list, click the link, then complete and submit that form.
    • If an email address is provided on the list, send an email to that contact. Include the following in your email:
      • Your Name:
      • Your NET ID:
      • Your College (specify Arts & Sciences, Business, or Nursing):
      • Your Classification (specify FR, SO, JR or SR):
      • Term (specify Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer):
      • Override Requested (exact error message you received):
      • CRN(s):*
      • Course Subject(s), Number(s), Section(s) (e.g. Art 105 A):

*If request involves a time conflict, provide course information for both/all courses involved.


Error/Override Type

Who to Contact

Test Score
Class Restriction
Field of Study Restriction
Degree Restriction

Choose from this list.

Time Conflict

Instructors of both courses, Departments that host the courses.  (Department Contact List).

Closed Course

Choose from Closed Course Override list. Some courses will give you the option to waitlist yourself. See "Waitlist a Course on NEST" above right.

Maximum Hours

Your Dean's Office (Dean's Office Contact List).

Instructor Consent

The Instructor*.

Repeat Count Exceeds 0

You have previous credit for the course and cannot repeat it unless you received a grade of C- or lower or it is repeatable. Contact with questions.

*Instructor email addresses are available on the Outlook Address Book, the course information on the class schedule, or AMI.

What Happens Next?

  • If the request is approved, the Override Contact will either: 
    • Enter an override code in the database then instruct you to register yourself; OR
    • Forward the override permission to the Registrar's Office for processing.
  • Watch your email! Whether your request is approved or denied, you will receive a message noting the decision and any steps you need to take.
  • NOTE: The Registrar's Office will not accept approval emails forwarded by students.  The person who approves your request must notify directly.

Override Information for Instructors

  1. Familiarize yourself with your department's protocols for override approval.
    • Some departments have Override Contacts who process overrides. They will provide instructions regarding override processing.
    • The Registrar's Office will provide assistance for departments that do not have an Override Contact.
  2. Determine whether to approve or deny the request.
    • If denied, reply directly to the student.
  3. If the request is approved:
    • If your department processes online overrides, forward the student's email with a statement of your permission to that contact.
    • If your department does not process overrides, forward the student's email with a statement of your permission to
    • The Registrar's Office will not accept permission emails forwarded to us by students.  You must email your permission directly to us.
  4. The Department Override Contact or Registrar's Office will process the override and notify the student.


Need Additional Assistance?

Enrollment Services Counselors are available to assist with general registration questions. Contact them at 402-280-1110 or

You may also file a case in CreightonConnect.